WONCA – the First Twenty Years (1992)


David Game's wrote a story of WICC titled "WONCA - the First Twenty Years". This is the history of the first 20 years of Wonca and WICC from the perspective of a long term member of WONCA Council (1972-89).

WONCA – the First Twenty Years - Working Parties and Committees, by  Dr David A Game 



The General Assembly in 1972 resolved that a working party should be established to consider and  develop an agreed classification of disease in general practice for presentation to the next meeting(!),  and that the classification be clearly related to the ICD of WHO.  This decision was acted upon by the Executive, and Dr Robert Westbury of Canada was  appointed Convenor.  In his first report to Council in 1974 Dr Westbury spoke of the enthusiasm and the zeal of those  working on the project. His group were working, at that stage, entirely by correspondence and Dr
Westbury said they were providing for WONCA "a banner to fly under". This early prediction was  fulfilled.

Created 04/11/2011 - Last modified 27/08/2018
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Primary Health Care Classification Consortium - WICC WONCA