Q-Codes working group



Q-Codes is just an opening of a new way to deal with content of knowledge related to GP/FM. The content of teaching in GP/FM is not at all standardized. Q-Code offer a bottom up approach of what could become the table of content in GP/FM. The exercise here in French  http://3cgp.docpatient.net/action-research/coder-les-tfe-avec-3cgp/ shows a new approach of student’s needs.  In Vietnam (Ho Chi Min university) Q-Codes are used as pop-up of knowledge in an e-learning program. We can imagine now how this approach could transform our thinking about what is really GP/FM


A move from Q-Codes to an Evolutionary International Textbook in GP/FM is suggested, based on the analysis of the work of field GPs and no more on a top bottom expert view of what  GP/FM is supposed to be.


The content would no more be "written" by expert but, in a Problem Based Learning style, is a gathering of pertinent scientific knowledge about each theme using up to date information and communication technology. This knowledge has to be in direct free access. All the bibliographic citations proposed in the Q-Codes terminological records on www.hetop.eu/Q are chosen exclusively in free access. The reason is that a working GP has no money to pay nor time to wait to gain access to needed knowledge at the point of care.


Several point raise from this

1/ The categorization itself : eight major domains. Is it correct? acceptable? reproducible?

2/ The content of each domain. One domain only has been deeply investigated. It is QR. After a first analysis of the content of QR (Research issue) the results was not satisfactory. The EGPRN analysis has proposed a categorization of the field of research in GP/FM by analyze the content of 600 abstracts of EGPRN conference using the same methodology as for Q-Codes. The QR domain is now a mix of both approach. The fields of Teaching or Ethics or Environment deserve the same approach.

3/ The extension of the domain ; theme are missing, naturally, but which one? How to find them? Is the method of congress abstracts analyses the sole one?, the best? New them will emerge in the future. How to gather it?

4/ The update of the work already done. Each Q-Code has a choice of related introductory bibliography, Who will update it? Who will check the accuracy of  the first choices?


Some colleagues have already accepted to be part of the Q-codes working group;

Gustavo Gusso, WICC member, Uni Sao Paulo, Brazil),
Miguel Pizzanelli, WICC associate member, Uni Montevideo, Uruguay,
Marc Jamoulle, WICC member, Dep of gen practice, ULg, Belgium ,
Michel De Jonghe, WICC member, Dep of gen practice, UCL, Belgium,
Ricardo Lavalle, P4 SIG Group Buenos Aires,
Marc Vanmeerbeek, Dep of gen practice, ULg, Belgium,
Jaqueline Ponzo, Assoc Family Physician, Uruguay,
Melissa Resnick, medical librarian, Houston Uni, TX, USA
Hakan Yaman, family physician Atalya university, Turkey
Daniel Krupp, family physician, Brazil


The group is open

Please send subscribe at  <q-codes-working-group@googlegroups.com> 

Created 25/12/2016 - Last modified 20/08/2018
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Primary Health Care Classification Consortium - WICC WONCA