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ICPC-3 Consortium, a 3 years international project.


ICPC-3 Consortium

We expect from Consortium members in the taskforce group an input in the discussions about the classes and the development of the Content model as basis for the classification. Also we expect some specific country dependent input for the classes. Two times a year we will have a face to face meeting of two days and 5 times a year an internet meeting. The majority of the work in the task force group is done by the core team, so not by the taskforce members from the different countries/organizations.
If you are not able to come you can always be represented by someone else of your organization.

The members/organisation of the Consortium pay per year 15.000, 00 Euro. The project will last 3 years.

In the steering group of the Consortium each participant is represented by one member with two times a year an internet meeting.

The members/organisations, most colleges, at this moment (August 2018) are from Denmark, Finland, Flemish part of Belgium, The Netherlands, Brasil, France, the Radboud University Nijmegen, WONCA Europe and WONCA World.


Prof. Kees van Boven about ICPC-3 on Youtube


see attached document

Créé le 13/08/2018 - Modifié le 29/08/2018
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Primary Health Care Classification Consortium - WICC WONCA